Carl Boyd is a seasoned media professional renowned for creating and hosting "The Generation Rap," a groundbreaking talk radio show for teens that aired from 1987 to 1999. The show became a vital platform for young voices, fostering meaningful conversations on issues important to youth. In recognition of his contributions to education and media, Carl was inducted into the Mid American Education Hall of Fame in 1999 and received the NAACP Lucile Bluford Lifetime Achievement Award in Kansas City.
In 2011, Carl rejoined the consulting team for the Sanctuary Workshop, empowering and inspiring the next generation through innovative programs. In 2015, he launched the "Passing the Baton" TV concept, featuring Kansas City icons and celebrating the city's rich culture. In 2018, Carl joined the Board of Directors for Crime Stoppers USA, Kansas City Chapter, promoting community safety and supporting crime prevention efforts. In 2019, he became a youth counselor and staff mentor with Senergy Services, providing support to homeless youth and helping them navigate challenges.
In 2020, Carl received the Distinguished Educator Award from the US Tiger Foundation, recognizing his commitment to education and youth advocacy. In 2021, he completed a calendar book titled *366 Messages for Students and Veterans*, offering daily inspiration and encouragement. In 2023, Carl was honored with the National Association of Black Veterans Humanitarian Award, celebrating his dedication to service and advocacy. Most recently, in 2024, he was cited by the Concerned Clergy of Kansas City as a Distinguished Elder, acknowledging his impactful leadership and contributions to the community.
Carl is also a Lifetime Member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. and the Alliance of Black School Educators (NABSE), reflecting his commitment to leadership and education within the community. With a passion for empowering young people, Carl remains dedicated to engaging youth through various media projects and mentorship opportunities.